Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gunman Robs Local Liquor Store
By Sara Romaine, Staff Writer

SPRINGFIELD, MO- A gunman masked by a pillowcase held a cashier at gunpoint at The Black Derby Liquor Store on Ripley Way Thursday night moments before fleeing from police with $2,845 dollars from the clerk’s register.

The Black Derby Liquor Store on Ripley Way
Standing at about 6-feet tall, wearing blue jeans, and a ripped white t-shirt, the gunman approached store clerk, Steve Bellinos, with a pistol. As he threatened Bellinos to empty the contents of the register into a second pillowcase, Bellinos tripped the silent alarm, notifying police.

Police responded quickly, Bellinos said. The gunman entered the liquor store at 7:12 p.m., at 7:16 Bellinos triggered the silent alarm behind his desk, and at 7:19 police responded to the scene, police said.

Officers Anne Fulgham and Jose Lopez responded to the silent alarm. The officers reported arriving to the scene just as the suspect was leaving the store.

As soon as the suspect spotted the officer’s vehicle, he fled. Fulgham responded by shouting out a warning. The suspect did not respond, so the officers followed, police stated.

Fulgham fired off a shot at the suspect, but narrowly missed, she said. The officers followed the suspect on foot until he turned and escaped down an alley.

The officers did a great job,” community member John Paul Reinicke said. Reinicke had been walking down the street and witness the police chasing the suspect, “That guy ran so fast he looked like a track star.”

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