Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jordan Gets Slam Dunk in Endorsement Game
By Sara Romaine, Staff Writer
The legendary Michael Jordan may have retired from playing for the Chicago Bulls, but this basketball legend is still making history in the game of endorsements.

Jordan is famously quoted "fear is an obstacle
for some people, but an illusion to me."
Jordan has long since passed the pioneer, Arnold Palmer, and puts Tiger Woods to shame, in the ad industry, making about $45 million dollars a year in endorsements. 

Michael Jordan is estimated to have made $300 million dollars in endorsements the past decade. Generating that kind of revenue is a slam-dunk by any standard.

"He transcends almost every kind of category you could put him in," said Alan Friedman, editor of Team Marketing Report in a St. Louis Post-Dispatch story. "He is one of the few players who has built respect and admiration worldwide."  

Jordan is well known across the world for being a gentle giant. He maintains a good public status by appearing humble despite his massive success. Is it possible to overexpose this giant? With his most recent deal with AMF bowling firm, and a $2 million dollar and 10-year contract stipulation, overexposure seems unfathomable.

Michael’s largest known endorsement is Nike. The first year endorsing Air Jordans, he pulled $153 million in revenue for the company, and it doesn’t end there. Wheaties, Gatorade, Coke, McDonalds, Hanes, Chevy Blazer, the well-loved movie Space Jam, and Ball Park Dogs are also on his list of successful endorsements.

When it comes to Michael Jordan, lovers of these brands immediately are moved to remember the involvement he has had in their marketing campaigns. A slam-dunk in a Nike commercial by Jordan reverberates across the world and throughout generations. Once the brands are associated with a Jordan, they are rarely forgotten.

Marketing Evaluation Inc., assigns a Q rating of recognition value to all athletes every year, and in 1989, Jordan was already listed as the highest mark. He has been holding on to the top position since. 

What’s really impressive, however, is how the celebrity has dealt with this fame. "If I wanted to be greedy, I could make a lot more money," said Jordan. "I'm not a greedy person. But I like to get paid for what I'm worth. I like to make what I deserve. But I never try to overdo it.” 

Successful, talented, and down to earth. No wonder people enjoy seeing his face as a representation of their favorite household brands. Seems like endorsements are another slam dunk for Jordan.
    Everyone wishes they could be like Mike.

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